Every year on June 5, World Environment Day is observed to highlight the importance of environmental protection and sustainability. It was the United Nations Environment Program that had begun observing this day after it was proposed in the UN General Assembly back in 1972. The theme of this year is ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’.
But, for most of us, keeping the environment clean and green only is limited to planting more saplings or trees. For Prinkled too, it was limited to that until we learnt about certain ways which could help us do our bit for Mother Nature.
To help you understand what more you could do to make your life more sustainable and also ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’, here are a few compiled tips.
Read on and do your bit to save our environment!
Use A Recyclable Bag For Daily Shopping
Every day, we see our mothers head to the local market to get fruits, vegetables and items of daily use. Wouldn’t it be great if instead of getting these homes in plastic bags, they would carry their own eco-friendly bag? That’s your Pro tip #1. Ask your mom or whoever heads out for daily chores, to take a reusable bag with them and avoid Plastic bags completely.

Love Coffee? Get Your Own Reusable Mug
Another thing that often causes environmental pollution is plastic cups that are discarded by workplaces and regular coffee places in bulk, all thanks to the daily use by employees. It’s important to remember the massive impact these have on the environment. Hence, the best way forward would be to get your own reusable mug and keep it handy for work and otherwise. Remember, small steps lead to a big change!
Invest In A Sustainable Water Bottle
Water is essential for all living beings. But, humans often acquire plastic bottles and fetch water in them, which does the environment more harm than good. Hence, it would be perfect to find a reusable water bottle on World Environment Day and invest in it. Imagine the amount of single-use plastic that would be eliminated if this small change is made!
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Shop Daily Use Items In Bulk
When we say Bulk, we are not encouraging you to overspend. We’re only asking you to consider the product-packaging ratio and how it may have an adverse impact on the environment, considering more packages mean more plastic waste. Hence, it’s better to shop in bulk and opt for larger containers than smaller ones. And, if you can, buy package-free goods and make a small impact to save the environment!

Refuse Single-use Items
Let’s just face it despite strict curbs by governments across the globe against single-use plastic items, they’re hard to get out of the daily use systems we have at home. Hence, it is now imperative to refuse any single-use items handed to you anywhere. Refusing plastic cutlery and straws at restaurants and other places could be a start. But, this small start on World Environment Day can go a long way in beating plastic pollution.
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Understand & Follow the Segregation Of Waste
Okay, this may come as a shock but is a hard truth that most people today don’t know what segregation of waste means and how to do it. For those not aware, it means separating the waste into dry waste, wet waste, sanitary waste and e-waste. If this practice is adopted in each home, it can reduce massive amounts of trash for the environment as the recyclable items would be recycled and those that need disposal would be disposed of correctly.

Another age-old practice which can not only reduce the trash going to landfills but also help nurture plants at home is composting. Composting at home can really help make an impact on the environment in more ways than one!
These are just a few things we’ve learnt over the years that could help make some impact on the environment. While we too are a work-in-progress and are working towards adopting more cleaner practices, we know that these small changes can make a big impact. Hence, we urge you to start small!
Know any more tips? Tell Prinkle in the comments and remember to keep the environment clean, green and plastic-free!