New Beginnings: What’s Your Take On Them?

Starting Afresh

Beginning is the most important part of work.

Quite often, we all kind want to start something completely new but hesitate in doing so. For us, at Prinkled, starting something new meant sharing what we feel about food, travel, experiences and more with the world and finding our tribe, our community of like-minded or different people who would love to join us on this new journey we want to embark upon.

But, for many people, new beginnings hold a very different meaning. For some, it is what happens when something ends, while for others, it marks a celebration for looking forward to a new journey. In every way, it is unique to every other individual and often, can lead to extremely interesting conversations.

So today, we ask you all to share what you feel about ‘New Beginnings’. Go on and pour your heart out in the comments. We promise, we’ll keep it anonymous for you. Come be a part of Prinkled community and get Prinkled!

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