Mountains Or Beaches: What’s Your Pick For Summer Vacation?

Mountains Or Beaches For Summer Vacation

Vacations. Ahhh! The sound of that word immediately brings a smile to my face. And, if like me, you too love to travel and soak in the varied vibes of the world, then my friend, you could easily call yourself a ‘happy hopper’. And, as the summer vacations are approaching, many of you, like us, might be scouting for the best places to head out to. But, the biggest dilemma most of the travellers like us face is picking between a beach destination of a mountain place.

While mountains promise refreshing vibes with fresh air, cool breeze and cool vibes, beaches offer a calming respite, lots of fun and sandy shenanigans. But, the question still looks while searching for the next destination: Where should it be? Should we go off to the mountains or chill at the beach?

In most cases, people who love mountains are those who love to spend more time amid nature. On the other hand, those who adore the beaches are those kinds who live in the moment and just want to have fun.

Now, Prinkled still is debating where their summer vacation should be…why don’t you tell us in the comments what’s your pick between mountains or beaches? Go ahead and share what you love!


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8 replies to “Mountains Or Beaches: What’s Your Pick For Summer Vacation?”

  1. For me beauty of the sea and beauty of hills incomparable.. Irs the choice of the person where he or she wants to go and feel relax

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