Happy New Year 2024: Reflecting on 2023 – Challenges Faced, Lessons Learned, & Growth Achieved!

New Year 2024 Wish for Prinkled!

First of all, it’s 2024 and we can’t start without wishing our Prinkled community, a Happy New Year 2024! This one is a personal note for all those who supported our journey all through 2023.

2023… a year that tested everything in me and guess what? I came out on top with flying colours! How I described my 2023 to someone recently was— Tough and A Learning Curve.

Both those feelings remained dominant throughout this year for me. I loved, lost, smiled, cried, and experienced rage, but most of all, I felt alive. Having done everything in the past as per my old beliefs, 2023 was a shake-up for me. It shook all my beliefs and made me somewhat rise all over again.

New Year 2024: A New Me? Nah! An Evolved Me!

But, this time as a different person. A person who wants to have fun, a person who doesn’t want to be very uptight, a person who doesn’t want to do things that do not make her happy to please others, a person who wants to focus on the valued relationships in a much more meaningful way, a person who wants to understand and respect choices and perspectives. While doing this wasn’t an easy feat, situations which I encountered left me no choice as well. As they say, you either adapt or perish, I chose to ride it out and see what will happen to me. Thankfully, as the year ends, I stand here, hail, hearty, strong and as the person I want to be, not what others want me to be.

Also Read: PrinkTales: Know Our Story

New Year 2024: Always With My Main Man!

In all this, everyone I met this year and who are already present as my pillars played a significant part. But, the major role was played by my main man, Prateek. As patient as he could be, he witnessed my evolution closely and never questioned or judged me for it. Thank you for being who you are—Phenomenally understanding, loving, caring, compassionate, funny and respectful. You are my pillar of strength, the wind beneath my wings and I love you from the bottom of my heart.

A New Year: Not Without My Forever Hype Squad!

To my girls, I don’t know what I would do without you. Where I would have been had I not had you with me. The special moments we cherished together once again as we explored good places in Chandigarh like old times just reminded me that nothing changed, and hopefully, nothing will ever. We’ll still be chatting up about every random thing unfiltered and unbothered by what anybody thinks about us. My girls, Seerat, Neetish, Ramneek, Chhavi—You are and will always be the significant ones of my life. Thank you for the memories.

Another special thing—2023 gave me a new title of a maasi and for that, I am eternally grateful to God and to  Seerat & Ravi. I love Samar so much and I can’t believe he’s going to be turning 1 in just a few days. I miss you and him so so so much!

Thank You 2023: For Friends Who Became Like Family!

To the friends I made, you guys have been an extraordinary part of my growth. I learnt a different thing from each of you. From some I learned to be ambitious and aspirational, others taught me to loosen up and have fun. But, each of you made me want to get through everything with grace and poise, knowing that you’ll still be around on the other side. Thank you for all the memories and here’s me hoping we’ll make many, many more this year.

To myself, the new me, or rather the evolved me, I am proud of you. Good going girl. I hadn’t thought at the beginning you’d survive half the things you did and now that you have, pat yourself and raise a toast to this new version of Twinkle because she will get better from here on in 2024!

2024… you better get ready! I can’t wait to experience whatever you have in store for me. Just remember to be gentle!

Wishing all the patrons of Prinkled, a Happy New Year 2024!

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