Delhi Chutney & Co Chandigarh: Say Hello To A New Place With A Fresh Take On Indian Street Food!

Delhi Chutney & Co In Chandigarh

Being Punjabis, P and I love every street food dish that one would call quintessentially North Indian. Whether it’s Golgappas, Aloo Tikkis, or Chole Kulche, we relish these North Indian street food treats thoroughly. So naturally, when a new place serving these dishes pops up in Chandigarh, we had to try it out. Fam, say hello to Delhi Chutney & Co Chandigarh, an urban chaat collective serving up street food with a fresh take!

Located in the inner market of Sector 8B, this is a quintessential takeaway or dine-in car outlet that promises to serve you tantalizing treats, causing an explosion of flavours in your mouth!

So, without further ado, here’s all the scoop about our first date with Delhi Chutney & Co Chandigarh!

Delhi Chutney & Co Chandigarh: Elevating Street Food of India!

Delhi Chutney & Co In Sector 8 ChandigarhSource: Prinkled
Serving A Fresh Take On Street Food!

The mere mention of dishes like golgappe, papdi chaat, aloo tikki, chole kulche, and the like makes one drool endlessly. Now, picture this: In this monsoon season, you drive down with your buddies to Sector 8B to grab a bite, and you come across an eatery serving up these street food dishes in style. I’m guessing, if you’re anything like us, you wouldn’t wait to taste these tasty treats, and that’s exactly what we did this week.

This cute new eatery is designed to celebrate the streets of India and has an earthy vibe. With stunning fairy lights and decorations outside, Delhi Chutney & Co Chandigarh looks nothing less than a quintessential Indian mela, serving delicious desi food treats. We checked out their menu and were pleasantly surprised by the wide variety they had to offer, and of course, the reasonable pricing.

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From Golgappas to Papdi Chaats, Samosas to Chole Kulche, they had every popular Indian street food dish on their menu. We couldn’t resist any longer and decided to start with Aloo Lacha Tikki from the streets of Patiala. In another 10 minutes, a server came to our car and handed us a box full of deliciousness. And trust me when I say this, it smelled so, so good. We tasted it and, in one bite, we knew they had managed to capture the essence of North Indian street food. A balance of spicy, tangy, and sweet hit the right notes on our taste buds, and we thoroughly relished the Aloo Lacha Tikki from Delhi Chutney & Co Chandigarh.

Delhi Chutney & Co In Sector 8 ChandigarhSource: Prinkled
Aloo Lacha Tikki Straight From Streets Of Patiala!
Delhi Chutney & Co In Sector 8 ChandigarhSource: Prinkled
Drool-Worthy Papdi Chaat

Next up, we ordered Ram Laddu with Mircha and Papdi Chaat. That too arrived in exactly 10 minutes. And, once again, the aroma got to us first, and we couldn’t help but drool. We began tasting the Papdi Chaat, and it was mouthwatering. Crunchy papdis slathered with curd, Imli, and Green Chutney, and topped with beetroot, pomegranate, and chickpeas were like a glorious symphony of flavours ready to mesmerize us. It had a well-balanced flavour, and even people who don’t like spicy food could try this out.

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Delhi Chutney & Co In Sector 8 ChandigarhSource: Prinkled
Ram Ladoo & Mircha

Ram Laddu and Mircha smelled divine. They were served with a cute little bottle of green chutney and topped with radish shreds. However, they were a little too dry, and the chutney wasn’t as delicious as in the other two dishes. To be honest, it was underwhelming compared to the other two treats we had. We gave feedback to the server, and he took it quite sportingly. Brownie points to Delhi Chutney & Co Chandigarh for having such an understanding staff.

With our bellies full and inner foodie satiated, we left Delhi Chutney & Co Chandigarh with a promise to be back to relish more deliciousness soon!

Prinkled’s Parting Thoughts: 

To sum it up, we enjoyed an evening date at Delhi Chutney & Co Chandigarh as it definitely celebrates the essence of Indian Street Food. We hope you do too! 

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